Carnation-Gerbera Bouquet
Carnation-Gerbera Bouquet
Delight in this elegant bouquet featuring 6 stems of pink carnations and 6 stems of pink gerbera daisies. Expertly arranged, this bouquet can be styled either in a sophisticated pageant style or as a charming round bouquet, perfect for any occasion.
Leadtime: 1-day advance
Floral Symphony Guarantee
We strive to create beautiful arrangements using the freshest florals and foilage to guarantee your satisfaction. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, please contact us so we can make it right.
Substitution due to Seasonality and Supply
Flowers, fillers, containers, and other accessories may be necessary due to limitations coming from seasonality and supply. We will make every effort to deliver the same theme and style using similar items of equal or even higher value.
Ordering & Delivery
We make every effort to deliver as quickly as possible, but freshness is our priority. In some occasions, rare florals will only be sourced upon confirmation and payment of order. Most orders are delivered within 24 hours upon order confirmation and payment. Coverage area indludes: Metro Manila (Las Pinas, Makati, Mandaluyong, Manila, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Quezon City, Parañaque, Pasay, Pasig, San Juan and Taguig) otherwise, an additional delivery charge will be billed on top of total amount